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Trend Line Trader Aw
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Trend Line Trader

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Trend Line Trader Empty Trend Line Trader

Mensaje  ibandrew88 Miér Abr 20, 2011 1:02 am

Hola compañeros cazadores

aca les posteo este sistema muy bueno para ninja trader 6,5

lo subo en diferentes servidores

si alguna duda con gusto les ayudo a instalarlo


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aca las instrucciones

Do the usual...put your machine ID in the xml provided, in the IIS vendorlicense folder

You need a cracked version of Ninjatrader for this indicator.
1. In order to install the indicator you need to know your machine ID. You can get it from the Help/About box in Ninjatrader.

2. Install TLT Indicators by running TLT_NinjaSetup.exe.

3. Create the folder C:\inetpub\wwwroot\vendorlicense if it does not exist already.

4. Copy TrendLineTrader-R-TrendLineTrader-MACHINEID.xml there.

5. Rename the file so 123456789ABCDEF0123456789ABCDEF0 is replaced by your machine code.

6. Edit the file with notepad. Replace 123456789ABCDEF0123456789ABCDEF0 with your machine code.

The indicator will now work in Ninjatrader if you did everything correctly.

Infante Cazador

Temas Temas : 71
Fecha de inscripción Fecha de inscripción : 11/07/2010

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