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Video Training con Michael Jenkins (500 Mb) Aw
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Video Training con Michael Jenkins (500 Mb)

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Video Training con Michael Jenkins (500 Mb) Empty Video Training con Michael Jenkins (500 Mb)

Mensaje  mistico Miér Dic 15, 2010 2:28 pm

Este es un video entrenamiento del afamado Michael Jenkins y en el cual el mismo muestra algunos conceptos basicos y luego desde su propia maquina
te va llevando y mostrando su manera de operar. Se da un paseo por algunas de sus herramientas elite. La calidad del video es muy buena (No son esas presentaciones en salones con imagenes poco nitidas. Sin desperdicio....


The objective of the video is to teach you how to trade using basic trading skills. You will learn how to read a bar chart and how to determine the trend,
the reversal points, target objectives and time periods for culminations. You will learn many technical analysis techniques and much of what is in my
various books will be taught but not the more advanced stuff like the Jenkins True Trend Line or various ‘forecasting’ tools and certainly no astrological
methods, nor my Secret Angle Method. This video has a basic objective to take any person from scratch and put them in front of a computer graphics screen and get them to the point where they can trade and make money almost every day if they follow the advice. While it is geared to ‘newbies’ there are a number of great tips and discoveries I have NEVER put into my books before that make trading very quick and easy and one or two are more than worth the cost of seeing the film. Even professionals with 15 years experience will be amazed with my signal bar forecasting methods that can give EXACT highs and lows on 15 min, 60 min, daily and weekly charts with a calculation that literally takes less than 5 seconds to apply. All the moving averages and MACD’s and advanced ‘crap’ on the market can’t do that! I do not teach my Secret Angle Method in this video but I do demonstrate a minor point or two from that method. Consider this like an all day seminar on trading where you are sitting next to me, only better, in that I am explaining in detail every single thought process I go through when looking at my charts and setting up the various time frames prior to making a trade. Once in the trade I show where to put stops and calculate risk and where to expect to take profits or follow up with a trailing stop.

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Maestro Cazador

Temas Temas : 478
Fecha de inscripción Fecha de inscripción : 21/08/2010
Localización Localización : Venezuela

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